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St. Lucy's Church in Zadnja vas

St. Lucy's Church

A small church with a view beneath the slopes of Mt. Dobrča adorned by an exceptionally opulent portal inscribed with the date 1633.

St. Lucy's Church in Zadnja vas, beneath the slopes of Mt. Dobrča, was once a popular destination for people with eye problems due to its healing spring and its patron saint, St. Lucy, the patron saint of vision.


The church stands on a healing spring which is reputed to help those with eye problems. It was for this reason, that in the past, people with eye problems began to make pilgrimages to the church.


The church, which dates from the 15th century, was originally dedicated to St. Jodocus. Its elaborate Renaissance portal, carved from green Peračica tuff, is inscribed with the year 1663. On the wall of the eastern porch, between two saints, there is a fresco of Mary the Mother of God and the Rosary.


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25.01.2018 08:47
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