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Virtual Christmas Light Switch on

03.12.2021 17:00

You can follow the virtual Christmas Light switch on on 3rd December. 

As in recent years, the old town centre of Radovljica will be decorated with natural greenery. This year, the theme will be traditional wickerwork in Radovljica. Natalija Černe from the Radovljica Tourist Information Centre, wickerwork expert Tanja Legat, and the florist Sabina Šegula will bring the decoration to reality – from conception to execution.


Wickerworking has strong roots in Radovljica, as it was here, in Radovljica Manor, that the state wickerwork school was founded in 1908. It operated until 1935, while later and all the way to today, only a handful of masters of this craft have maintained the tradition. Among them is Tanja Legat, who learnt her skills from the Radovljica wickerworker Marjan Golmajer, and who, with the help of Petra Kunstelj, created wickerwork from willow and hazel rods, as well as pinewood, for the festive decorations of the old town centre.


The Christmas lights will run all the way from the park to the square in front of the church, thus a December stroll through the town to Linhart Square will be even more beautiful.


All events are made possible by Triglav Insurance.

Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d.

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