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Honey' Radol'ca

15.06.2019 10:00

The main event to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Museum of Apiculture and the 22nd 'Prangerjada'

The Museum of Apiculture will celebrate its 60th anniversary at the 'Prangarjada', which will take place this year in the old town centre of Radovljica. 'Prangarjada' is a countrywide event that connects Slovenian towns with preserved 'prangers' – pillars of shame or benches of shame. The event takes place in a different Slovenian town each year and this year it will be held in Radovljica.


The event will feature:
  • a presentation of 'pranger' towns and their customs, medieval costumes and dances
  • a sentencing for punishment on the 'pranger' bench/pillar of shame
  • a market featuring honey and other bee products
  • tastings of honey products
  • open day at the Museum of Apiculture
  • workshops for children
  • presentation of the new Radovljica Beekeeping Adventure


Event organiser: The Museum of Apiculture and the Radovljica Tourist Association

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05.05.2019 12:31

The Museum of Apiculture in Radovljica, the biggest museum of beekeeping in Slovenia, has been preserving the most precious heritage of Slovenian apiculture for 60 years.

Living together. About bees and mankind.

With its modern exhibition, the Museum of Apiculture reveals the exceptional world of the Carniolan grey bee and Slovenian beekeeping. The exhibition brings together the legacy of world-famous beekeepers and reminds us of the importance of preserving bees and a healthy environment for them.

A fun, creative and educational family adventure

Set off as a family on an adventure accompanied by a cute 'bee' who will explain where she lives, what her chores are, and where she goes to gather nectar. You will see Radovljica's attractions on the way and, as a reward, savour the taste of sweet honeybreads.

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