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Festive Day at the Roblek Mountain Hut

25.06.2018 08:30

Hiking day and concert with the Sašo Avsenik Ensemble

Join Sašo Avsenik who, with an accordion on his shoulder, will lead you along his grandfather's favourite paths. You will find out how the mountains and his home village inspire the young musician and where Sašo 'recharges his batteries' after long tours.


In the time following World War II, the Roblekov dom mountain hut was a favourite meeting place for Begunje’s youth. When the young Slavko Avsenik began to play his accordion, the hut turned into a place of jubilation and song.


The joyful atmosphere from those times still resounds on the famous 'Polka Evening on Roblek'. It begins with the words of the famous song: "Na Roblek bom odšel, bom ljubco s sabo vzel..." ("I'm going to Roblek, I will take my darling with me...").



  • 8:30am – 12noon: guided hikes to the Roblekov dom mountain hut
  • 12noon – 3pm: Concert by the Sašo Avsenik Ensemble
  • 3pm: End of the event and return to the valley


Additional information and registration:, +386 (0)40 591 211


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