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Kamen Castle near Begunje

Lamberg Trail

The Begunje area has a wealth of archaeological sites. Follow the Lamberg Trail to discover them, the focal point of which are the ruins of Kamen Castle.

Kamen Castle

NOTICE: Construction work on this route requires a detour. Please follow the signs.


The trail is named after the noble Lamberg family, who were once the owners of Kamen Castle. The path leads from the car park opposite the Pri Jožovcu restaurant, past Katzenstein Mansion, across meadows to the Krpin recreation area. On reaching the road turn left and then soon after take the marked path on the right that leads into the forest. The forested slopes lead past the Njivica and Zijalka archaeological sites and Devil's Castle all the way to Kamen Castle.


After having explored Kamen Castle up close, you can either return to Begunje through the village along the road or you can continue along the trail into the lush Draga valley where you can enjoy a refreshing drink or a hearty meal at Draga Inn and return to Begunje along the trail on the opposite side of the stream.


Start and end point: car park in the centre of Begunje (46.3753 N, 14.1987 E)
Length: 7.7km 
Estimated time: 3 hours
Difficulty level: easy hiking trail
Total height difference: 160m
Signs: signposts and information boards 



Before you set off on your way, pick up a copy of the map of themed hiking trails in Radovljica and the surroundings, available at the Radovljica and Begunje Tourist Information Centres.


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