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Hiking in the Draga Valley

The Draga Valley

Besides the Draga stream a green valley winds it way to the foothills of the Karavanke.

Cattle graze in the Draga valley during summer, when the valley offers shelter from the summer heat; throughout the year it is a starting point for hiking to mountain pastures and the peaks of Mt. Begunjščica.


At the entrance to the valley you are greeted by Kamen Castle on a rocky slope, which once protected the old cargo trail across the Preval mountain pasture. The Gostišče Draga restaurant is located in the valley, and beside it a parkour archery course that offers a special experience in the shelter of the forest, and is suitable for both beginners and experienced archers.


The Lambergh Trail leads through the valley. You can continue your hike on Shepperd's Trail to the alpine pastures of Begunjščica and the famous Roblek Hut.


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Kamen Castle near Begunje
Kamen Castle and the Draga Valley

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Inviting mountain pastures and peaks all year-round

The Karavanke await you with mountain pastures and the high peaks above them which offer superb views across Slovenia and Austrian Carinthia. Ascend them in summer or in winter.

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